“After a bad fall and injury to my arm, I was on medical leave for 30 days. After returning to work I still only had about 10% use of my arm and started physical therapy 2 days per week. I was introduced to Melanie Willetts of Rolling Strong and I mentioned my arm hurting and that my knees were also beginning to hurt. Melanie recommended an eating plan that could help reduce inflammation in my knees and arm. On February 20th, I started the 30-day plan.”
“At this time, I weighed the heaviest that I have ever weighed (now I know why my knees hurt so bad). On March 24, when I ended the program, I had lost 12 pounds and 11 overall inches. My face was clearer and glowing, I was sleeping so much better, and my knees weren’t hurting nearly as bad. I have started drinking my coffee black, and eating less grains and sugars. I’m still very conscious of what I’m eating and am hoping to do another 30 days soon.”