Paulette Mosey

“I wanted to be in the best shape I could, being a professional driver.  I started the program with the motivation that I would not go down the same road I see so many drivers go down.  A lot of drivers are unhealthy and overweight, and I am determined not to be one of those drivers.  I stay away from chips and junk food and supplement them with a variety of raw fruits and veggies.  I try to avoid red meat and only allow myself grilled chicken or fish.  I watch out for high fructose corn syrup in my foods and limit the amount of carbs I intake.

Rolling Strong is a great support system for me and I always try to make a point of visiting the health coaches when I stop by their terminals.  I get customized exercise tips from them based on what I’m focusing on.  I include my work in my workout, which improves my efficiency as well as my body image.  During my Pretrip, I’ve added an exercise that includes walking around my truck the equivalent of a quarter mile.  I also park as far away from the building as I can in order to get more steps in.”